Despre blog // About the blog

RO: ACVILS este blogul meu personal unde îndrăznesc să dau o formă oarecare milioanelor de gânduri care-mi cutreieră mintea. Cred că cea mai bună modalitate de-a mă dezvolta și a învăța lucruri noi este prin a-mi pune ideile în practică și a fi creativă acolo unde sunt, cu ceea ce am la dispoziție! Lăsând ideile să curgă și să devină ceva: un post, o mâncare, o îmbrăcăminte, o discuție, un dans, o călătorie, etc. fac loc pentru noi învățături și noi lucruri de explorat.

Postarea Depășind frica de “Ce-o să spună lumea?” explică de ce anume am decis să creez acest blog personal.

EN: ACVILS is my personal blog where I dare to give some sort of form to millions of thoughts that cross my mind. I believe that the best way of growing and learning new things is by executing on my ideas and being creative where I am, with what I have! Letting ideas flow and become something: a post, a meal, an outfit for the day, a talk, a dance, a travel, etc. makes space for new input and new things to explore.

The post Overcoming the fear of “What will others say?” explains why I decided to create this personal blog.

A vision of what this blog is…

Expression of vulnerability

Best learning happens in uncomfortable, thus vulnerable situations. This blog is a place where I can be vulnerable, but, at the same time, authentic to my true self and my way of expression.

Journey to self-love

More than anything I envision this blog to be, it will always embody my journey to self love. One day, in retrospect, I hope I look back at this time when people’s opinions seem to matter so much and the idea of saying something stupid or doing something inappropriate takes so much of my energy… And I hope I realize how foolish it was and that the best thing to do was to start writing my blog against all fears! This is self-love.

Growth and constant change

Flexibility, desire to grow and need to progress can be either a blessing or a curse. I find them assets and proudly implement them in my personal and professional lives. Today, I don’t know for sure how will this blog look like in one or 10 years from now, but I can only hope it will be a reflection of the best version I can be at that given time frame.

Let’s build something together!
Hai să creăm ceva împreună!